Beginning Your California Exemption:

If you’re an individual who wants to work, or obtain a license to run, a community care license facility and have a criminal offense for anything other than a minor traffic violation, then you are required to obtain a California exemption from the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). 

We can assist with the California exemption process by:

  • Helping you obtain the required forms and documents, and
  • Providing guidance on how to complete them.

Obtaining California exemption is important. If you don’t complete the California exemption process properly, you will likely be denied employment, or, if you do obtain employment without the required California exemption, your position will remain at risk.

At Lifeback Legal, our attorneys are experienced in the California exemption process and can help you navigate this area of the law successfully. We understand your desire to have a confidential advocate and are here to assist you.

California Exemption Includes:

  • Case handled 100% by a California Licensed Attorney
  • Fixed, Flat fee
  • Outstanding Customer Service

1,500.00 *


* Price quoted is for the initial California exemption application. If you hire and pay our office with 28 days or less remaining for submission to the CBCB, additional fees may apply. If your California exemption application is denied, please contract our office for pricing.

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